
out of the shadow of winter.

it's been a long, long time. i missed all three of you.

here's what is happening:

1) i'm doing some theater for the ephrata performing arts center. right now we're working on the best little whorehouse in texas, and then moving on to south pacific immediately after that. i'm still waiting to hear results on the godspell callbacks, but i'm crossing my fingers. that show is in november. something was missing from my life and this was it. everything else seems to be falling into place.

2) i went to philly last night to visit my two bestest friends from high school. within 30 minutes of my arrival i had spilled my drink [twice], my boyfriend drank the last of the champagne [bad party etiquette, fuzzy], and i broke a glass [um]. does anyone want to have us over? we went out to a piano bar eventually and i sang a few tunes, and got completely plastered. a truly good time.

3) in case you don't know, i tested positive for hiv in January, and i LOVE my new medicine. it's called atripla, and it makes you feel drunk. so, basically, i get fucked up every night. doctor's orders!

4) the last time i posted, i think i was still in the middle of a really bad idea (sleeping with my ex). almost immediately [days] after that ended [really badly] i met someone else. he's younger than i usually date (21), but he's smart (franklin and marshall college, class of '07) and goofy (does a great impression of a dead cat) and we click [great sex/conversation/rapport]. i'm intensely in love. also, he's negative, so we are in a serodiscordant [+/-] relationship (can you tell i've been doing my hiv homework?). i used to think that being in love was just one great big feeling. but it's actually more like layers of feelings, one right on top of the other--layers of all the things that make him and me "us". three months. this might be something.

that's all i can think of for now.